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Life and Empowered Movement Coaching

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Welcome to the Tribe

Welcome to Divine Sage Collective


Divine - a power greater than oneself


Sage - wisdom; willingness to grow by challenging one's limits of knowledge and experience


Collective - people that share or are motivated by at least one common issue or interest or work together to achieve a common objective



Meet Rhonda:

Life & Empowered Movement Coach



  • Are you living your life purposefully?

  • How are you prioritizing your health and happiness?

  • What do you need to thrive and share your gifts with the world?


Our busy lives often leave us feeling overwhelmed. We have a vison of who we want to be and accomplish, but just don’t know where to start ... and so we don’t.


Or we start and stop because we don’t have a clear vision of our path, and our energy gets drained by how we perceive the demands of other people or society, and so we do what we think we are supposed to do, rather than step into our passion and purpose.


I create a sacred space for my clients and students to cultivate self-love, unlock their gifts, and create a vision for their future. Wherever you are on your journey, you get to choose where you want to go and grow.


I use a variety of tools to help guide my clients to create a pathway for personal, professional, and spiritual growth and transformation. I help my clients discover insights, create an action plan to move forward, and teach meaningful rituals that help you embody your goals and track your successes.


I believe my purpose is to learn and gather tools and resources so that I can share them with others.  My joy is watching my clients discover their gifts and have the courage to share them boldly with the world. 


How Do We Work Together?

  • Connect- Discover - Explore - Move

  • Life and mindset coaching: Helps you step into your life purpose and create the life you truly desire.

  • Daily practice guidance: Offers you structure to prioritize self-care every day.

  • Breathwork, meditation, and movement practices: Support your mental, physical, and emotional health.

  • Reiki and aromatherapy services: Help you rest, repair and reset.

  • Pole and chair fitness for women: Empowers you to shift your energy and get fit in a fun and exciting way.

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